Moss Agate Tower

from $14.00

Listing is for ONE (1) Moss Agate Tower

STOCK PHOTO | Each stone will vary slightly in size and characteristics.

Approximate weight

  1. Small 20 - 35 grams

  2. Medium 36 - 45 grams

  3. Large 46 - 60 grams


Energy Property

Creativity | Healing | Immune System

Moss Agate helps correct imbalances between the left and right side of the brain. It boosts mental function and is beneficial for those who lack creativity. It is a powerful aid for those who experience frequent mood swings due to its stabilizing properties. Moss Agate also strengthens the immune system and helps one feel secure, safe, and grounded.


Disclaimer | Information not intended as medical advice or a promise of any outcome. For medical advice, please consult a licensed healthcare specialist.

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